Yesterday I visited this wonderful home patient and did touch therapy with him. The doctor told him my name is Cami. He then said "Sammy?". Then after a few minutes it turned into "Swami". And then he was repeating "Swami" again and again. Pretty funny. The palliative care team had a good laugh about it...
I almost bought this wreath as a present for an Indian family. Before I bought it, an Indian gentleman stopped me and informed me that this was a death wreath, and “was I sure I wanted to buy this?”. Pretty funny. Needless to say, I didn't buy it...
These girls approached me and asked if Mauro and I were a love marriage or an arranged marriage. When I told them a love marriage they started giggling, and giggling. Like it was the funniest thing they have EVER heard. They were so cute I asked them to take a picture so I could capture the moment.